Doctors Affiliated with this Treatment Facility
01. History
History of St. Mary’s Medical Center
St. Mary’s Medical Center is the largest medical facility in Huntington, West Virginia. The medical center has almost 400 beds for patient care. The facility is also the largest employer in Cabell County, where Huntington is located. Cancer patients, like those with mesothelioma cancer, receive care within the St. Mary’s Regional Cancer Center.
The cancer center, which opened in 1965, treats patients using cutting-edge technology including the CyberKnife Radiosurgery System. The cancer center also offers clincial trials to patients as an additional tool to complement the more standard treatment modalities, such as radiation, surgery and chemotherapy.
Clinical trials of the highest caliber are offered through St. Mary’s Regional Cancer Center thanks to their membership within the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center Research Network.
In addition to the treatment services provided to the Huntington community by St. Mary’s Medical Center, the facility also enriches the community through their affiliation with the Joan C. Edwards Marshall University School of Medicine. St. Mary’s hosts and trains medical residents in numerous specialties each year. Specialties offered include nursing, medical imaging and respiratory care.
02. Specializations
St. Mary’s Medical Center Specializations
- Clinical Trials
- CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Electron Beam Radiation Therapy
- Medical/Surgical Oncology
- Oncology Rehab Services
- Outpatient Infusion Center
- Radiation Oncology
- Palliative Care Program
03. Accreditations
St. Mary’s Medical Center Accreditations
- Accredited Radiation Oncology Practice
- Designated as a Comprehensive Teaching Cancer Center by the American College of Surgeons and the Commission on Cancer
- Member of the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center Research Network