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01. History

History of Salk Institute

The Salk Institute was founded in 1963 by the famed developer of the polio vaccine, Dr. Jonas Salk. The facility was founded with the idea of scientists and researchers coming together to investigate the basic principles of life and inspire collaborations to facilitate more discoveries in the medical and scientific fields.

The Salk Institute has been focused on a wide array of research areas since it was developed, including aging, genetics, immune system biology, protein interactions and more. The institute also puts a lot of attention around cancer research, with two specific cancer research programs. The first program focuses on the genetic, epigenetic and immune aspects of cancer with the purpose of better understanding cancer itself and how it develops and improves choosing effective cancer therapies.

The other program focuses on developing new cancer drugs and diagnostic techniques to improve patient outcomes. The researchers have been working on new immunotherapy and similar types of drugs, as well as working to understand how influencing tumor cells’ metabolism could lead to new diagnostic techniques and cancer treatments. Their main goal is to ultimately find a cure for cancer and help turn cancer into a manageable chronic disease.

Researchers at the Salk Institute are constantly running and developing new clinical trials. In fact, multiple researchers within the institution have been recognized with significant honors for their work like the Nobel Prize, Albert Lasker Awards and the Gruber Genetics Prize. The scientists here have contributed to many recent cancer discoveries that have made an impact on patient care and cancer prevention, including the discovery of a molecular link that may explain why high-fat diets and cancer go hand-in-hand.

02. Specializations

Salk Institute Specializations

  • Lung cancer
  • Cancer genetics
  • Cancer immunology
  • Cancer therapeutics
03. Accreditations

Salk Institute Accreditations

  • National Cancer Institute Cancer Center designation
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators