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Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma in Washington, D.C.

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Jennifer Lucarelli Lawyer and Legal Advisor

Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States. Located on the East Coast along the Potomac River, Washington, D.C. has a population of nearly 602,000. The City of Washington was founded in 1791, and acquired the neighboring area of Georgetown and some additional lands in 1871. Washington, D.C. was created to be the nation’s permanent capital, and as such is not a part of any state. The federal government, historical tourism, finance, scientific research and higher education are key economic industries.

01. Construction Asbestos Risks

Construction and Renovation

The layout of Washington, D.C. was largely designed by Pierre L’Enfant, and based on the plans of grand European cities. Washington, D.C.’s original plan incorporated a modified street grid, broad avenues, and green space, including what is now the National Mall. The burning of parts of the city during the War of 1812 required the rebuilding of the White House and several other government buildings. Subsequent waves of redevelopment have left Washington, D.C. with a grab-bag of 19th and 20th-century architectural styles. Substantial construction projects include Reagan National Airport, the National Cathedral, the many museums of the Smithsonian Institution, and the Washington Metro subway system. The abundance of construction projects, particularly during the 20th century, also supported related businesses, such as Atlantic Perlite Company, J.E. Hurley Machine & Boiler Works, and Washington Asphalt Block & Tile Company. Much construction work has also taken place underground, in the network of steam and maintenance tunnels, secure access routes, and storage areas that connect many of the buildings on Capitol Hill.

Washington, D.C.’s lengthy history of renovation and construction places it in a high-risk category for asbestos exposure. Workers exposed to asbestos may be at risk for mesothelioma cancer. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Washington, D.C., you may benefit from contacting Dr. Stephen C. Yang. If you were exposed to asbestos in Washington, D.C. and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should also consider contacting an asbestos law firm.

02. HVAC Workers

Hell Beneath The Streets

According to the Government Accountability Office, the low-paid maintenance workers who service HVAC and water lines underneath the buildings of Capitol Hill have been exposed to asbestos fibers for years as well as dismal working conditions. Temperatures in these areas can rise to well over one hundred degrees, and workers are regularly subjected to falling concrete and arsenic gases as well.

Exempted from the same worker rights and protections granted to workers in almost all other industries, these workers, who report to the Architect of the Capitol, finally appealed directly to Congress and the media. Their plight was finally acknowledged and some protections and compensation were provided, but for most of these workers, it was too little too late; medical exams showed most of these workers as having the “lungs of old men.”

03. Navy Yard

The Washington Navy Yard

The Washington Navy Yard was actually a munitions factory during most of its history. Although actual shipbuilding activities ceased in 1812 (long before asbestos came into common use), it has always been a facility where cutting-edge technology has been introduced, from the first steam engines in North America to the first computers in the early 1950s.

Officially designated as the U.S. Naval Gun Factory in 1945, the manufacture of arms and ordnance ceased in 1961, and it was then made into offices.

Most industrial activities in the world involved the use of asbestos because of fire and chemical hazards. Washington Navy Yard workers performed their duties around blast furnaces, steel and iron-casting activities. In addition, the various manufacturing processes that went on required the use of volatile substances.

Ironically, asbestos exposure resulted from the protective clothing and equipment meant to protect workers from injury. Steel and ironworkers would wear gloves, bibs and coveralls, all of which were lined with asbestos that could get loose should such clothing become ripped open or worn. Workers employed at this site included welders, carpenters, painters, riggers, pipe fitters, electricians and metal cutters, all of whom were exposed to asbestos fibers to some degree. Workers who have been negligently exposed should seek legal counsel from a mesothelioma lawyer.

04. Exposure Sites

Asbestos Exposure Sites in Washington, D.C. has compiled information obtained from a number of sources to identify the following jobsites in Washington, D.C. where asbestos exposure was known to have occurred.

Asbestos Exposure Sites in Washington, D.C.
  • Additional House Office Building
  • Afl-Cio Building
  • Agriculture Research Center
  • Alexandria Power Plant
  • Amato Industries/Hot Shoppes
  • America Sheet Metal Company
  • American Federation of Labor Building
  • American University
  • Anacostia High School
  • Anderson Tire Manufacturing Company
  • Andrews Air Force Base
  • Arcade Sunshine
  • Archives & Fed Trade Buildings
  • Arlington Hotel
  • Army Map Service
  • Asbestos Covering & Roofing Company
  • Asbestos Workers Union
  • Atlantic Perlite Company
  • B & O Lamond Private Siding
  • B-2 Subway
  • Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
  • Bancrot Elementary School
  • Belgian Embassy
  • Bender Building
  • Benning Road Power Plant
  • Berkshire Apartments
  • Biggs Heating Company
  • Bilton Insul & Supply Inc
  • Blair House
  • Blue Plains Sewage Treatment Center
  • Bolling Afb
  • Brennan Construction Company
  • Briggs Ice Cream Company
  • British Embassy
  • Brookland Elementary School
  • Bryant Pumping Station
  • Bryant Street Pumping Station
  • Bureau of American Republics
  • Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • Bureau of Ordnance Navy Department
  • Bureau of Prisons
  • Bureau of Provision and Clothing Navy Department
  • Bureau of Standards
  • Bureau of Yards and Docks
  • Bus Maintenance Shop
  • Buzzard Point Powerhouse
  • C&O Railroad
  • C&P Telephone Company
  • Calvert Cliffs Power Plant
  • Camp Barrett
  • Capital Traction Company
  • Carpenters Union
  • Carrollsburg Square
  • Catholic University
  • Cement Masons
  • Census Bureau
  • Central Heating Plant For Public Buildings
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Chaulk Point Power Plant
  • Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone
  • Children’s Hospital
  • Christian Brothers Science Building
  • Christian Heurich Brewing Company
  • Clifton Mayhew Catholic University
  • Coach Yard
  • Columbia Cotton Oil and Provision Corp
  • Columbia Hospital
  • Columbia Inst. For Deaf and Dumb
  • Construction Trailer
  • Continental Baking Company
  • Court of Claims Building
  • Crawford Paving Company
  • Crystal City Hi-Rise
  • Crystal City Office Building
  • D.C. General Hospital
  • D.C. Transit Company
  • David Taylor Research Center
  • Defense Plant Corporation
  • Deparment of Buildings and Grounds
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Argriculture Building.
  • Department of Commerce Building
  • Department of Interior
  • Department of Labor
  • Department of State
  • Department of Treasury
  • Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories
  • Dickerson Power Plant
  • District of Columbia Paper Company
  • Doctors Hospital
  • Drill Hall
  • Dulles International Airport
  • East Building
  • East Coach Yard
  • East Station
  • Eckington and Soldiers Home Railway Company
  • Eckington Coach Yard
  • Electricians Union
  • Episcopal Church Home
  • Equitable Life Insurance Company
  • Executive Office Building
  • F O B Nr 9
  • Fairfax Courthouse
  • Fbi Building
  • Federal Building
  • Federal Reserve
  • Firth Sterling Steel Company
  • Folger Shakespearean Library
  • Forrestal Building
  • Fort Belvoir
  • Fort Myers
  • Frank W. Ballou High School
  • Freedman Hospital
  • G Street Metro Station
  • G.S.A. Building
  • Gallaudet College
  • Gallaudet University
  • Gallenger Hospital
  • General Accounting Office
  • General Hospital
  • General Liquid Air and Refining Company
  • General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Company
  • General Services Administration
  • Geophysical Laboratory of Carnegie Institute
  • George Washington University
  • Georgetown Dental Clinic
  • Georgetown Hospital
  • Georgetown University
  • German Embassy
  • Glen Echo Railroad Company
  • Government District of Columbia Roosevelt High School
  • Government Printing Office
  • Great Falls Old Dominion Railroad Company
  • Gsa Howard University
  • Gsa National Bureau of Standards
  • H.F.L. Allen
  • H.U.D. Building
  • Hamilton Hotel
  • Hanley Casey Company
  • Harry R. Byers Inc.
  • Hecht Company
  • Hecht Stores
  • Hess Oil Company
  • Hodd Carriers Office Building
  • Hospital Center United States Soldiers Home Grounds
  • Hotel Arlington
  • Hotel Bellevue
  • Hotel Grafton
  • House of Representatives
  • Howard University
  • Howard University Hospital
  • Hurley J E Machine & Boiler Works
  • Hyatt Regency Hotel
  • Icc Labor Building
  • Ingersoll Sergeant Drill Company
  • Internal Revenue Service Building
  • International Brotherhood of Carpenters
  • Ironworker’s Union
  • Isolated Lighting Government Printing Office
  • Ivy City Power Plant
  • Jefferson High School
  • John F. Kennedy Center
  • John W. Danforth Company
  • Kenilworth Priv Siding
  • LathersPlaster’s Union
  • L’Enfant Plaza
  • Library of Congress
  • Local 99 Operating Engineers
  • Longworth House Building
  • Lord & Taylor Building
  • Lowe’s Hotel
  • M. M. Clark Company
  • Macgruder Office Building
  • Machinists and Aerospace Workers
  • Main Post Office
  • Mayflower Hotel
  • Mccall’s Printing Plant
  • Mcclean Gardens
  • Mehring & Hanson Company
  • Millwrights Union
  • Morgantown Power Plant
  • Morris and Eagan Company
  • Municipal Center
  • Museum of Natural History
  • NASA
  • National Airport
  • National Bureau of Standards
  • National Capitol Housing Authority
  • National Electric Supply Company
  • National Geographic
  • National Institute of Health
  • National Presbyterian Church
  • National Training School For Boys
  • Naval Gun Factory
  • Naval Research Laboratory
  • Naval Weapons Plant
  • Oconnell Air Conditioning
  • Old Dutch Market Company
  • Old Soldier Home
  • Park Operations Building
  • Pennsylvania Railroad Company
  • Pension Office
  • Pentagon
  • People’s Drug Store Warehouse
  • Potomac Electric Light & Power Company
  • Potomac Station
  • Prince George’s County Shopping Center
  • Prince George’s Hospital
  • Providence Hospital
  • Rayburn House
  • Rayburn Office Building
  • Reagan National Airport
  • RFK Stadium
  • Riggs Bank
  • Rock Creek Railway Company
  • Rockwell Incinerator
  • Roosevelt High School
  • Rosemary School
  • Rubino & Ferris, Incorporated
  • Saint Elizabeth Powerhouse
  • Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital
  • Senate Office Building
  • Seven Corners Hi-Rise
  • Seven Corners Shopping Center
  • Seventh Day Adventist Hospital
  • Shaw Junior High School
  • Sheetmetal Workers Union Local 100
  • Sheraton Hotel Motor Inn
  • Shoreham Building Corporation
  • Shoreham Hotel Corporation
  • Shrine of Immaculate Concepcion
  • Sibley Hospital
  • Smithsonian
  • Sommerville Thos Company
  • Southern Asbestos Company
  • Soviet Govt Purchasing
  • St. Elizabeth’s Hospital
  • Standard Engineering Company
  • Standard Oil Company of NJ
  • State Department
  • State, War and Navy Building
  • Statler Hotel
  • Suburban Hospital
  • Teamsters Headquarters
  • The Capitol
  • The Watergate
  • The White House
  • Thos C. Pole
  • Tiber Square
  • Topaz House
  • Treasury Department
  • Trumbull Pumping Station
  • Tullibee
  • Twin Lake Apartments
  • Twin Towers Apartment House
  • Tysons Corner
  • U. S. Capital Power Plant
  • U. S. Naval Research Lab.
  • U. S. Soldiers Home
  • U.S. Naval Observatory
  • U.S. Naval Security Station
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
  • Union Station, Washington Terminal
  • United States Capitol
  • United States Electric Lighting Company
  • United States Government Navy Yard Bureau of Constn.
  • United States Naval Hospital Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
  • United States Naval Medical School Hospital
  • United States Naval Research Lab
  • United States Naval Training Center
  • United States Navy Yard
  • United States Senate
  • United States Treasury Department
  • Universal Building
  • University of Maryland
  • Upper Anacoastia Pump Station
  • US Navy Yard Naval Gun Factory
  • US War Department
  • Vault Plant
  • Veterans Administration Hospital
  • W. B. Moses and Sons
  • Walter E. Campbell Company
  • Walter Reed Army Hospital
  • Wardman Park Hotel
  • Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company
  • Washington Asphalt Block and Tile Company
  • Washington Barracks
  • Washington Cathedral
  • Washington Filtration Plant
  • Washington Gas and Light Company
  • Washington Gas Light Company
  • Washington Hospital Center
  • Washington Hotel
  • Washington Metro
  • Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority
  • Washington Missionary College
  • Washington National Airport
  • Washington Navy Yard
  • Washington Post Times Herald Building
  • Washington Refining Company
  • Washington Science Complex
  • Washington Sewage Pumping Station
  • Washington Terminal Company
  • Washington Wax Museum
  • Washington, Alexandria and Mount. Vernon Railway Company
  • Washingtonian Towers
  • Watergate Apartment Building
  • Watergate Development
  • Watergate Office Building
  • Welch Water Light and Power Company
  • White House
  • Wilkins Coffee Company
  • Willard Hotel
  • William H Singleton Fabrication Shop
  • Willoughby Apts
  • Willoughby Works
  • Woodward & Lothrop
  • World Bank
  • Wyandott Chemical
  • Wyatt Building

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Sources [+]
  • 1

    Architect of the Capital. About Us.

  • 2

    Clark, Louis. “Abuse Beneath the U.S. Capitol?” Government Accountability Project, 7 February 2007.

  • 3

    Naval Historical Center. “History of the Washington Navy Yard.” Department of the Nave, 20 April 2007.