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Mesothelioma in Norfolk, Virginia

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Jennifer Lucarelli Lawyer and Legal Advisor

Norfolk, Virginia, is home to Naval Station Norfolk and Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock Corporation. Shipyard workers, naval personnel and tradesmen may have been exposed to asbestos at these locations. Mesothelioma patients can find local treatment and legal resources below.

01. Mesothelioma Treatment in Norfolk

Norfolk, Virginia Mesothelioma Treatment

Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma in the Norfolk, Virginia, area have local options for treatment. Patients may seek care from several cancer treatment facilities within driving distance. Mesothelioma patients will find teams of professionals experienced in treating mesothelioma at these centers.

Norfolk residents can make appointments with mesothelioma specialists at these cancer centers to discuss mesothelioma treatment options. Doctors at the centers will develop custom treatment plans for patients’ unique needs. Personalized treatment plans may include thoracic surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment may be a combination of these and/or other therapies. Patients may also be eligible for participation in clinical trials.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving Norfolk, Virginia

There are Virginia mesothelioma treatment centers for patients to access near Norfolk. Patients may also opt to travel out-of-state for treatment, based on individual needs. These centers offer multidisciplinary teams of specialists who focus on personalized patient care and comfort. These centers may also provide patients access to mesothelioma clinical trials.

Virginia Oncology Associates and the Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center are two nearby centers with mesothelioma treatment options. Patients may also consider traveling to a larger facility like the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, D.C., for treatment.

Virginia Oncology Associates

Virginia Oncology Associates

Norfolk, VA 23502

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, VA 23298

University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Health System

Charlottesville, VA 22903

Washington Cancer Institute

Washington Cancer Institute

Washington, DC 20010

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Washington, DC 20057

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in Norfolk

Norfolk, Virginia Mesothelioma Doctors

It is important for mesothelioma patients to seek specialized care. Experienced mesothelioma doctors and oncologists are available in Virginia and neighboring states. These specialists develop treatment plans that are unique to each patient. Individualized treatment may help improve mesothelioma patients’ comfort and quality of life.

Photo of Ryan Gentzler, M.D.

Ryan Gentzler, M.D.

Medical Oncologist
Charlottesville, VA

Photo of Joshua Reuss, M.D.

Joshua Reuss, M.D.

Thoracic Medical Oncologist
Washington, DC

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Norfolk

Norfolk, Virginia Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Norfolk residents and workers with an asbestos-related disease may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the asbestos companies responsible for their exposure.

Mesothelioma lawyers can assist with filing lawsuits, trust fund claims or other claims to help victims obtain compensation. The settlements or other awards can be used towards treatment costs, to help offset lost wages and for travel for treatment.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in Norfolk, Virginia

Norfolk victims of asbestos exposure and their loved ones can seek help from an experienced attorney. Mesothelioma lawyers will explain the legal options available to those who have been injured from exposure to asbestos. Law firms that specialize in mesothelioma law have knowledge of specific state laws and filing requirements.

Experienced law firms, such as those listed below, can assist individuals with taking a legal course of action. They can help file a lawsuit, submit asbestos bankruptcy claims and assist with Veterans Affairs (VA) claim filing. Attorneys familiar with Virginia asbestos litigation can help victims and their families receive the financial compensation they deserve.

Mesothelioma attorneys at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen have represented hundreds of mesothelioma victims from the state of Virginia.

Over 16 years of experience serving asbestos injury victims. The Gori Law Firm is recognized by Super Lawyers®, National Trial Lawyers and the American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA).

Contact us for legal advice and find out if your asbestos-related case has merit. We litigate asbestos cases across the country and know what it takes.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Norfolk, Virginia

Mesothelioma attorneys can help patients or their surviving loved ones understand asbestos laws and regulations in Virginia. They can also help victims navigate the filing process and understand the statutes of limitations for personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits.

Statutes of Limitations for Norfolk

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 2 years after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 2 years after an asbestos-related death.

Mesothelioma attorneys can file claims on behalf of asbestos-disease victims or their families. Experienced lawyers in Norfolk can help win lawsuits and settlements for those diagnosed with mesothelioma after being wrongfully exposed to asbestos.

Examples of clients who have been assisted in Norfolk, Virginia, include:

Client Profile

Age: 64

Occupations: Navy, Iron worker

Jobsite Worked at: Norfolk Naval Shipyard (1969)

Settlement: ~$6,183,244

Client Profile

Age: 66

Occupations: Navy worker, Plumber

Jobsite Worked at: Norfolk Naval Shipyard (1957 – 1960)

Settlement: ~$6,011,281

Client Profile

Age: 70

Occupations: Navy, Plant worker

Jobsite Worked at: Norfolk Naval Shipyard (1960 – 1964)

Settlement: ~$4,218,159

Client Profile

Age: 80

Occupations: Navy, Electrician

Jobsite Worked at: Norfolk Naval Shipyard (1956)

Settlement: ~$3,518,470

04. Asbestos Use in Norfolk

Asbestos Use in Norfolk, Virginia

Norfolk, Virginia, and the Hampton Roads area have long been known for their naval, shipbuilding and ship repair industries. Norfolk is home to the largest naval base in the world, Naval Station Norfolk. Just south of Norfolk is the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, where many U.S. Navy ships have been built and repaired since the early 1900s.

Norfolk is also home to one of the region’s largest privately-owned shipyards, BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair, Inc., formerly known as Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock Corporation (Norshipco). Another notable shipyard in the area is General Dynamics NASSCO-Norfolk, which is the consolidation of the former Metro Machine Corporation and Earl Industries shipyards.

For decades, asbestos was used aboard naval and large commercial ships. To protect against the high heat produced during propulsion of large vessels, asbestos was used extensively for insulation and heat resistance. It was used in various components of ships, particularly in engine rooms. Shipyard workers, tradespeople, Navy veterans and other naval personnel were exposed to asbestos daily while constructing new vessels and repairing drydocked ships.

Asbestos at Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock in Norfolk, Virginia

BAE Systems acquired Norshipco in 2005. The shipyard is located on the Elizabeth River and has serviced and maintained naval and commercial vessels in drydock since 1915. One of the largest private employers in the region, BAE Systems has more than 2,000 employees. Some of these employees have worked at the Norfolk yard since the 1970s, during the era of asbestos use.

Norshipco has helped to build, maintain and modernize the U.S. naval fleet since World War I. The yard typically handles 10 – 15 ships per year.

For decades, people who worked on these drydocked vessels were exposed to large quantities of asbestos. Gaskets, pipe insulation, valves and boilers all once contained asbestos. Workers who overhauled ships in Norfolk removed and installed these asbestos-containing materials, breathing in asbestos dust daily. Even today, workers on old ships may encounter these hazardous materials.

Because of this extensive asbestos exposure, at least seven different bankruptcy trusts list Norshipco as an approved jobsite for asbestos claim submission. There are also dozens of other maritime jobsites in Norfolk that appear on various trust lists, including the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Individuals with an asbestos-related disease from this exposure may be eligible for compensation.

Norfolk, Virginia Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • A. Lynn Thomas Company, Inc.
  • Algonquin Apartments
  • Allied Chemical Corporation
  • Allied Marine Industries, Inc.
  • Ames & Webb, Inc.
  • Amoco Corporation
  • Atlantic Fleet Intelligence Center
  • Aviation General Supply Depot
  • B. F. Diamond Construction Company, Inc.
  • Bay Shore Terminal Company
  • Bureau of Steam Engineering
  • Bureau of Yards and Docks
  • C. E. Thurston & Sons, Inc.
  • C. E. Thurston & Sons, Inc.
  • Chesapeake Transit Company
  • City Gas Company
  • City Sewer Pumping Station
  • Colonna’s Shipyard, Inc.
  • Commonwealth Storage and Ice Company
  • Culture & Convention Center
  • DePaul Hospital
  • Farmers Fertilizer Corporation
  • General Services Administration
  • Grumman Ecosystems Corporation
  • Gulf Refining Company
  • Hampton Roads Army Terminal
  • Industrial Power Equipment Company
  • International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers
  • L.S.T. Shipping
  • Lamberts Point Coal Terminal
  • Langley Air Force Base
  • Liberty Baptist Church
  • Lone Star Cement Corporation
  • Lyon Shipyard
  • Metro Machine Corporation
  • Military Circle Shopping Center
  • Monticello Hotel
  • National Bulk Carriers, Inc.
  • National Gas and Construction Company
  • National Linen Service Company
  • Naval Station Norfolk
  • Naval Supply Depot
  • Newport News Shipbuilding
  • Norfolk & Portsmouth Beltline
  • Norfolk & Portsmouth Traction Company
  • Norfolk & Western Railroad
  • Norfolk & Western Steamer Warehouse
  • Norfolk Civic Center
  • Norfolk Creosoting Company
  • Norfolk Iron Company, Inc.
  • Norfolk Linen Service Corporation
  • Norfolk Naval Shipyard
  • Norfolk Portland Cement Corporation
  • Norfolk Railway and Light Company
  • Norfolk Refrigeration and Storage Company
  • Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock Corporation
  • Norfolk Southern Railway
  • Norfolk State University
  • Norfolk, Portsmouth and Newport News Railway Company
  • North Western Virginia Railroad
  • Page Leigh and Grover
  • Petroleum Fuel & Terminal Company
  • Portsmouth Power Station
  • Reeves Avenue Substation
  • Reilly Tar and Chemical Company
  • Scope Complex
  • Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company
  • Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
  • South Norfolk Memorial Library
  • Swift & Company
  • Tidewater Construction Corporation
  • Transco Energy Company
  • U.S. Naval Air Station
  • U.S. Naval War College
  • Union Camp Corporation
  • Virginia Electric & Power Company
  • Virginia Railway and Power Company
  • Virginia Wesleyan University
  • Welding Shipyard
  • William H. Swan & Son, Inc.
  • Wood Preservers, Inc.
  • YMCA Building

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