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Mesothelioma in Greenwood, South Carolina

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Several textile companies operated mills in Greenwood, South Carolina. Workers at these mills often wove asbestos into fabrics to make fire-retardant textiles. Anyone who handles asbestos may develop mesothelioma. Greenwood mesothelioma patients can find local treatment and legal resources below.

01. Mesothelioma Treatment in Greenwood

Greenwood, South Carolina Mesothelioma Treatment

Residents from Greenwood, South Carolina, may have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related cancers. Mesothelioma patients can seek medical treatment at nearby cancer centers. There are mesothelioma experts nearby who specialize in thoracic surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment options.

Patients can find specialists at cancer centers offering treatment for mesothelioma in South Carolina and facilities in neighboring Georgia and North Carolina.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving Greenwood, South Carolina

Mesothelioma patients in Greenwood may seek treatment from cancer centers offering mesothelioma care. One of the larger cancer centers in the area is the Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia. This cancer center offers intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). Patients can also participate in clinical trials at this center.

The Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University

The Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University

Augusta, GA 30912

Georgia Cancer Specialists and Northside Hospital Cancer Institute

Georgia Cancer Specialists and Northside Hospital Cancer Institute

Atlanta, GA 30341

Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University

Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University

Atlanta, GA 30322

Medical University of South Carolina

Medical University of South Carolina

Charleston, SC 29425

Wake Forest Baptist Health

Wake Forest Baptist Health

Winston-Salem, NC 27157

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Duke Cancer Center

Duke Cancer Center

Durham, NC 27710

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in Greenwood

Greenwood, South Carolina Mesothelioma Doctors

Greenwood mesothelioma patients can seek comprehensive care from specialists experienced in mesothelioma. Specialists may include thoracic surgeons, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists. Mesothelioma doctors are an important part of a patient’s cancer treatment. Patient support staff can help victims and families throughout the treatment process.

Photo of Daniel L. Miller, M.D.

Daniel L. Miller, M.D.

Director of Thoracic Surgery
Augusta, GA

Photo of Jess D. Schwartz, M.D.

Jess D. Schwartz, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Oklahoma City, OK

Photo of Seth D. Force, M.D.

Seth D. Force, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon and Surgical Director of the Thoracic Oncology Program
Atlanta, GA

Photo of Suresh S. Ramalingam, M.D.

Suresh S. Ramalingam, M.D.

Thoracic Oncologist
Atlanta, GA

Photo of Carol A Sherman, M.D.

Carol A Sherman, M.D.

Thoracic Medical Oncologist
Charleston, SC

Photo of Edward A. Levine, M.D.

Edward A. Levine, M.D.

Surgical Oncologist
Winston-Salem, NC

Photo of Jill Ohar, M.D.

Jill Ohar, M.D.

Winston-Salem, NC

Photo of Pragatheeshwar Thirunavukarasu, M.D.

Pragatheeshwar Thirunavukarasu, M.D.

Surgical Oncologist
Fayetteville, NC

Photo of David H. Harpole, M.D.

David H. Harpole, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Durham, NC

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Greenwood

Greenwood, South Carolina Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma victims may be eligible to file mesothelioma lawsuits to secure financial compensation. Victims of asbestos exposure in Greenwood may qualify to file their mesothelioma case in South Carolina.

Those who worked in Greenwood but live out of state may still qualify to file in South Carolina. For instance, individuals exposed to asbestos at a jobsite in South Carolina could file a lawsuit in the state. Victims may also be eligible to file a lawsuit in other states depending on their unique circumstances.

An experienced law firm can find the most favorable jurisdiction for a case. Mesothelioma lawyers can review details, such as the victim’s past asbestos exposure. Nationwide mesothelioma law firms can handle cases in South Carolina or other states. They will work with victims to secure the compensation they deserve.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in Greenwood, South Carolina

South Carolina asbestos exposure victims can seek legal assistance from a national mesothelioma law firm. Lawyers at these firms are experienced in filing lawsuits and claims on behalf of victims and their families.

Mesothelioma attorneys can walk victims and their families through the legal process. These lawyers can determine what evidence they need to gather and submit for a strong case. They can help victims bring a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

Mesothelioma lawyers at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen have represented hundreds of mesothelioma victims from the state of South Carolina.

Contact us for legal advice and find out if your asbestos-related case has merit. We litigate asbestos cases across the country and know what it takes.

Fighting to get mesothelioma victims the compensation they deserve. Recognized by Super Lawyers® and National Trial Lawyers.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Greenwood, South Carolina

Mesothelioma attorneys can help patients, or their loved ones, understand asbestos laws and regulations in South Carolina. They can also help asbestos victims navigate the filing process. These lawyers can help clients understand the statutes of limitations for personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits.

Statutes of Limitations for Greenwood

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 3 years after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 3 years after an asbestos-related death.

Mesothelioma attorneys can file lawsuits on behalf of asbestos-disease victims or their families. Experienced lawyers in Greenwood can help win lawsuits and settlements for those diagnosed with mesothelioma after being wrongfully exposed to asbestos.

Examples of clients who have been assisted in the Greenwood, South Carolina, area include:

Client Profile

Age: 85

Occupation: Army

Jobsites Worked at: Fort Jackson (1984 – 1988)

Settlement: ~$3,392,250

Client Profile

Age: 75

Occupation: Air Force

Jobsites Worked at: Atlas Supply Co. (1962 – 1978); Gateway Supply Co., Inc. (1986 – 1999); Olympic Cotton Mill (1961)

Settlement: ~$1,257,864

Client Profile

Age: 88

Occupations: Welder, Oil refinery worker

Jobsites Worked at: Fort Jackson (1944 – 1946)

Settlement: ~$1,233,287

Client Profile

Age: 55

Occupation: Pipefitter

Jobsites Worked at: Midland Steel Corp. (1984); Single Source Construction & Service Co. (1994)

Settlement: ~$1,030,645

04. Asbestos Use in Greenwood

Asbestos Use in Greenwood, South Carolina

Since the 1800s, the economy in Greenwood, South Carolina, has been made up of several prominent asbestos companies. Notable companies include Monsanto Company, Chemstrand Corporation and Mathews Cotton Mills.

These companies are known to have exposed South Carolina workers to asbestos. In total, these three companies have 18 jobsites that are matches for asbestos trust fund compensation.

Greenwood Mills Asbestos Use in Greenwood, South Carolina

Asbestos was once commonly used in the textile industry because of the mineral’s heat-resistant properties. It was often used in the production of fireproof fabrics. These fabrics were used to make fire-retardant clothing and blankets. Textile mill workers who spun asbestos fibers into yarn and thread were frequently exposed to asbestos dust.

Machinery in the mills also often included asbestos-containing parts. Examples include asbestos gaskets and insulation. Many textile mill workers who used, serviced or repaired machines were frequently exposed to asbestos.

Greenwood Mills is one of the oldest textile manufacturers in the United States. Founded in 1889, it operated several sites in Greenwood throughout the 20th century. However, as domestic labor costs increased, many textile mills moved jobs overseas. Various Greenwood jobsites closed as a result.

The city has planned restoration or rehabilitation for some of these old sites. But it was found that there were elevated levels of asbestos in the buildings. This has complicated construction plans. Until the city completes asbestos removal, residents should avoid exposure risks. Anyone who suspects exposure can discuss their concerns with a doctor.

Greenwood, South Carolina Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • Abney Mills
  • Buzzard’s Roost Hydroelectric Facility
  • Chemstrand Corporation
  • Daniel International Construction Company / Daniel International Corp.
  • Greenwood Mills, Inc.
  • Greenwood Office Building
  • Grendel Mills (until 1946, then Abney Mills)
  • International Paper Company
  • Jim Rast Drywall Company
  • Lander University
  • Mathews Cotton Mills
  • Mauldin Lumber Company
  • Monsanto Company
  • Panola Cotton Mills (until 1946, then Abney Mills)
  • Parke-Davis and Company
  • Roberts Foundry Company
  • Self Regional Healthcare
  • Wickes Corporation

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