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Mesothelioma in Nashua, New Hampshire

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Nashua, New Hampshire, was once a major railroad hub and textile manufacturing city. These and other industries often used asbestos, potentially exposing Nashua workers. Asbestos exposure puts individuals at risk for developing mesothelioma. Nashua offers many local mesothelioma treatment options and legal resources.

01. Mesothelioma Treatment in Nashua

Nashua, New Hampshire Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma treatment options can extend patient life expectancy and improve quality of life. Patients with asbestos-related illnesses in Nashua can seek treatment from nearby mesothelioma experts. These specialists can help patients understand the available treatment options for the rare cancer. Conventional treatments, experimental treatments, alternative therapies and clinical trials may be available depending on the patient’s needs.

Personalized care and support are important during each stage of mesothelioma treatment. Mesothelioma cancer centers may provide various support services for patients and their loved ones.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving Nashua, New Hampshire

Nashua residents have access to numerous mesothelioma treatment options in New Hampshire, as well as in neighboring states, Massachusetts and Maine.

For instance, mesothelioma patients can seek treatment at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. The center offers multidisciplinary mesothelioma cancer care. As a research facility, patients may access the latest clinical trials and therapies. The center offers a team-based approach to mesothelioma treatment. Care teams may include thoracic surgeons, medical oncologists and palliative care specialists.

Patients may also seek treatment out of state. There are two prominent mesothelioma cancer centers in nearby Boston, Massachusetts. The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital are leaders in mesothelioma research. Nashua patients may have the opportunity to take part in clinical trials at these centers.

Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research

Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research

Cambridge, MA 02139

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Boston, MA 02215

Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center

Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center

Boston, MA 02114

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Boston, MA 02115

Lifespan Cancer Institute, Rhode Island Hospital

Lifespan Cancer Institute, Rhode Island Hospital

Providence, RI 02903

Norris Cotton Cancer Center

Norris Cotton Cancer Center

Lebanon, NH 03756

Maine Medical Center Cancer Institute

Maine Medical Center Cancer Institute

Scarborough, ME 04074

Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital

Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital

Hartford, CT 06106

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in Nashua

Nashua, New Hampshire Mesothelioma Doctors

It is important that mesothelioma patients seek specialized care. There are experienced mesothelioma doctors and oncologists throughout New Hampshire and neighboring states. These specialists develop treatment plans that are unique to each patient. Individualized treatment may help improve mesothelioma patients’ comfort and quality of life.

Photo of Michael S. Kent, M.D.

Michael S. Kent, M.D.

Director of Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery
Boston, MA

Photo of Pasi A. Jänne, M.D.

Pasi A. Jänne, M.D.

Director of the Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncology
Boston, MA

Photo of Scott J. Swanson, M.D.

Scott J. Swanson, M.D.

Director of Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery
Boston, MA

Photo of David J. Kwiatkowski, M.D.

David J. Kwiatkowski, M.D.

Senior Physician
Boston, MA

Photo of Raphael Bueno, M.D.

Raphael Bueno, M.D.

Chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery and Director of the International Mesothelioma...
Boston, MA

Photo of Anthony Testa, M.D.

Anthony Testa, M.D.

Hematologist & Oncologist
Providence, RI

Photo of Sundaresan T. Sambandam, M.D.

Sundaresan T. Sambandam, M.D.

Hematologist & Oncologist
Cranston, RI

Photo of David J. Finley, M.D.

David J. Finley, M.D.

Director of the Comprehensive Thoracic Oncology Program
Lebanon, NH

Photo of Konstantin H. Dragnev, M.D.

Konstantin H. Dragnev, M.D.

Medical Oncologist/Hematologist
Lebanon, NH

Photo of Gary M. Hochheiser, M.D.

Gary M. Hochheiser, M.D.

Surgical Oncologist
Scarborough, ME

Photo of Michael R. Grey, M.D.

Michael R. Grey, M.D.

Chairman of the Department of Medicine
Hartford, CT

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Nashua

Nashua, New Hampshire Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Nashua residents diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease may be eligible for compensation. Mesothelioma victims and their families have received compensation from lawsuit verdicts and settlements for mesothelioma. Some victims may qualify to file bankruptcy trust fund claims. Mesothelioma lawyers can provide guidance and representation throughout the legal process.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in Nashua, New Hampshire

Experienced mesothelioma law firms have secured millions of dollars in settlements for their clients in Nashua. Mesothelioma lawyers can help determine the best legal option for individual cases. For instance, victims may be eligible to file a lawsuit against negligent asbestos companies.

If you were exposed to asbestos in New Hampshire at a commercial, residential or military site and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation. Compensation received from lawsuits or claims can help patients cover medical costs. This compensation can also provide financial security against lost income.

Lawyers at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen have recovered top mesothelioma settlements in New Hampshire on behalf of their clients.

Over 16 years of experience serving asbestos injury victims. The Gori Law Firm is recognized by Super Lawyers®, National Trial Lawyers and the American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA).

For more than two decades, Attorney Christopher P. Duffy has helped individuals suffering from mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer throughout Greater Boston, all of Massachusetts, and northern New England.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Nashua, New Hampshire

Experienced mesothelioma attorneys understand the New Hampshire asbestos laws. This includes state deadlines and requirements, such as the statutes of limitations. Statutes of limitations require plaintiffs to file lawsuits within a certain number of years.

Statutes of Limitations for Nashua

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 3 years after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 3 years after an asbestos-related death.

Mesothelioma law firms can help patients or loved ones understand their filing options for compensation. Options may include filing a mesothelioma lawsuit or submitting an asbestos trust fund claim. Asbestos lawyers in Nashua can also file the lawsuit or claim on the victim’s behalf. Experienced mesothelioma attorneys can help victims secure the compensation they deserve.

Examples of clients served in the greater Nashua area include:

Client Profile

Age: 53

Occupation: Hospital worker

Jobsites Worked at: Sprague Electric (1966 – 1967)

Settlement: ~$3,960,739

Client Profile

Age: 59

Occupations: Navy, Plant worker

Jobsites Worked at: Ingersoll Rand (1972 – 1973)

Settlement: ~$2,487,453

Client Profile

Age: 71

Occupations: Electrician, Household

Jobsites Worked at: Nashua Paper Corp. (1970 – 1974)

Settlement: ~$2,442,458

Client Profile

Age: 69

Occupations: Laborer, Mechanic

Jobsites Worked at: Demers Truck Center (1967 – 1986)

Settlement: ~$1,822,695

04. Asbestos Use in Nashua

Asbestos Use in Nashua, New Hampshire

Asbestos materials were used in many industries in Nashua, New Hampshire. For decades, the mineral was used as an inexpensive, durable additive for fire resistance. In Nashua, manufacturing and construction industries frequently used asbestos. These industries have a high risk for asbestos exposure.

For example, textile and paper manufacturers may have experienced occupational asbestos exposure. Any amount of asbestos exposure puts workers at risk for asbestos-related cancers.

Nashua, New Hampshire Manufacturing Industry and Asbestos

Many factories and mills in Nashua, New Hampshire, used asbestos-containing building materials. Paper and textile manufacturing helped shape the city and its economy for decades. These industries also produced a variety of asbestos products.

  • Nashua Manufacturing Company was a cotton textile manufacturer in operation from 1823 –1945. Textron, Inc. acquired it in 1945. It was one of the largest textile mills in the 19th and 20th centuries. The company helped fund public works projects and employed many Nashua residents. During its years of operation, asbestos use was common in textile mills. Nashua Manufacturing Company workers may have experienced asbestos exposure.
  • Nashua Corporation opened in 1904 on Franklin Street. It was first known as the Nashua Card, Gummed and Coated Paper Company. The company manufactured products such as wax-coated and sticky paper. In 2016, demolition and asbestos remediation began on the old boiler house and mill. Boilers often have asbestos insulation around them as heat protection. Nashua Corporation workers may have handled asbestos-contaminated materials during regular paper production duties.

These and other industrial jobsites in Nashua put workers and residents at risk of dangerous asbestos exposure.

Nashua, New Hampshire Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • ABCO Welding & Industrial Supplies
  • Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center
  • Francis P. Connor and Son, Inc.
  • Hampshire Chemical Corporation
  • Nashua Corporation
  • Nashua Foundation Medical Partners, Inc.
  • Nashua Housing Authority
  • Nashua Light, Heat and Power Company
  • Nashua Manufacturing Company
  • Nashua Memorial Hospital
  • Nashua Municipal Airport
  • Nashua Savings Bank
  • New England Telephone and Telegraph Company
  • New England Wood Preserving Co.
  • Sheraton Tara Hotel

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