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Mesothelioma in Fresno, California

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Asbestos was widely used in construction in Fresno, California. Asbestos can be found in many public buildings, including buildings at the Fresno State Hospital, Fresno State campus and Fresno County Courthouse. Asbestos exposure puts people at risk of developing mesothelioma. Those impacted by asbestos can find treatment and legal resources below.

01. Mesothelioma Treatment in Fresno

Fresno, California Mesothelioma Treatment

Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma in the Fresno area have local options for treatment. Patients may seek care from several treatment facilities within driving distance. Mesothelioma patients will find teams of medical professionals at these centers. These doctors are experienced in treating mesothelioma.

Fresno residents can make appointments with mesothelioma specialists at these cancer centers to discuss mesothelioma treatment options. Doctors at the centers will develop custom treatment plans for patients’ unique needs. Personalized treatment plans may include thoracic surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment may be a combination of these and/or other therapies. Patients may also be eligible for participation in clinical trials.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving Fresno, California

Mesothelioma patients in Fresno have multiple cancer center options in the area. Many of these cancer centers offer specialized treatment options for mesothelioma patients. Some notable centers include Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center. Patients may also seek treatment at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) at Mount Zion.

In particular, UCSF at Mount Zion practices a multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment. A collaborative team examines each patient’s individual case to create a treatment plan. UCSF has a state-of-the-art Thoracic Oncology Laboratory. The mesothelioma research at this laboratory supports the discovery of new treatment options. The laboratory also offers patients access to a variety of clinical trials.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Los Angeles, CA 90048

City of Hope

City of Hope

Duarte, CA 91010

Sanford Burnham Prebys

Sanford Burnham Prebys

La Jolla, CA 92037

Stanford Cancer Institute

Stanford Cancer Institute

Stanford, CA 94305

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center

Los Angeles, CA 90095

University of California San Francisco at Mount Zion

University of California San Francisco at Mount Zion

San Francisco, CA 94115

University of Southern California (USC)

University of Southern California (USC)

Los Angeles, CA 90033

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in Fresno

Fresno, California Mesothelioma Doctors

Asbestos exposure in California may have led workers and residents to develop an asbestos disease. Mesothelioma patients in Fresno, California, can seek out treatment from specialized cancer doctors. There are a number of these mesothelioma specialists near Fresno. Using their years of experience, mesothelioma doctors create personalized treatment plans for their patients. These plans may help improve a patient’s mesothelioma prognosis, life expectancy and quality of life.

Photo of Michael Yuechia Chang, M.D.

Michael Yuechia Chang, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Photo of Robert B. Cameron, M.D.

Robert B. Cameron, M.D.

Chief of Thoracic Surgery
Los Angeles, CA

Photo of W. Charles Conway, II, M.D.

W. Charles Conway, II, M.D.

Surgical Oncologist
Santa Barbara, CA

Photo of Mark R. Cullen, M.D.

Mark R. Cullen, M.D.

Director of the Center for Population Health Sciences
Stanford, CA

Photo of Ravi Salgia, M.D.

Ravi Salgia, M.D.

Medical Oncologist and Associate Director for Clinical Sciences
Duarte, CA

Photo of Howard Jack West, M.D.

Howard Jack West, M.D.

Medical Oncologist
Duarte, CA

Photo of Jyoti Malhotra, M.D.

Jyoti Malhotra, M.D.

Medical Oncologist
Irvine, CA

Photo of David M. Jablons, M.D.

David M. Jablons, M.D.

Chief of General Thoracic Surgery and Director of the Thoracic Oncology Laboratory
San Francisco, CA

Photo of Matthew A. Gubens, M.D.

Matthew A. Gubens, M.D.

Thoracic Oncologist
San Francisco, CA

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Fresno

Fresno, California Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Fresno, California, mesothelioma victims may be eligible for compensation through mesothelioma lawsuits or claims. For instance, city residents may have experienced workplace asbestos exposure at educational, medical and municipal buildings. Many of these workers have filed lawsuits against irresponsible asbestos companies. For example, some workers at Fresno City College and Fresno State Hospital developed mesothelioma. After receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis, some victims filed lawsuits or claims and received compensation.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in Fresno, California

Fresno asbestos-exposure victims can seek legal assistance from a national mesothelioma law firm. Lawyers at these firms are experienced in filing lawsuits and claims on behalf of victims and their families. Mesothelioma attorneys can walk victims and their families through the legal process. These lawyers can determine what evidence they need to gather and submit for a strong case. They can help victims bring a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

Fighting to get mesothelioma victims the compensation they deserve. Recognized by Super Lawyers® and National Trial Lawyers.

Over 16 years of experience serving asbestos injury victims. The Gori Law Firm is recognized by Super Lawyers®, National Trial Lawyers and the American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA).

Over a decade of experience fighting hard for mesothelioma victims in California and across the country. Millions of dollars recovered for clients through passionate work in asbestos litigation.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Fresno, California

Each state has deadlines for filing personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits. These deadlines, called statutes of limitations, can vary by state. A mesothelioma lawyer understands and can explain applicable deadlines for any state. For instance, depending on asbestos-exposure history, victims may be able to file an asbestos lawsuit in California or in another state. Below are California’s statutes of limitations.

Statutes of Limitations for Fresno

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 1 year after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 1 year after an asbestos-related death.

Victims may receive compensation from jury verdicts, settlements and asbestos trust funds. Compensation may help victims with mesothelioma treatment costs, lost income, end-of-life costs and other expenses.

Fresno residents have filed successful lawsuits that resulted in compensation for victims and their families. Examples of clients served in Fresno include:

Client Profile

Age: 56

Occupations: Maintenance, Construction

Jobsites Worked at: Floway Pumps (1975 – 2000); Levi’s Scrap Metal (1972 – 1974); Peerless Pump (1974)

Settlement: ~$8,923,174

Client Profile

Age: 68

Occupations: Navy, Plant worker

Jobsites Worked at: Advent Services Inc. (1995 – 1996)

Settlement: ~$6,504,114

Client Profile

Age: 51

Occupation: Navy

Jobsites Worked at: Table Mountain Casino

Settlement: ~$3,070,331

Client Profile

Age: 82

Occupation: Laborer

Jobsites Worked at: Producers Cotton Oil Co. (1962)

Settlement: ~$2,895,000

04. Asbestos Use in Fresno

Asbestos Use in Fresno, California

Asbestos can be found in many places in the Fresno, California, area. It was widely used in building materials, automotive parts, insulation and other products. Many commercial, educational and municipal buildings in Fresno still have asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos abatement professionals must take protective measures with any work that may disturb asbestos.

As a naturally occurring mineral, asbestos was also mined in the United States for decades. One such asbestos mine is the Atlas Asbestos Mine in Fresno County.

Asbestos at the Atlas Asbestos Mine

The Atlas Asbestos Mine in Fresno County operated from 1963 through 1979. It was situated on 435 acres of a naturally occurring asbestos deposit. In 1983, the mining site was placed on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Priorities List. This was because of the risk it posed to both the environment and public health.

Asbestos fibers from the mine were found around the entire area and in nearby communities. The fibers were in the air, soil and groundwater. People living near and working in the mine were at risk of inhaling or ingesting asbestos dust.

The water runoff carried asbestos into public water supplies, especially during heavy rains. This moved asbestos farther from the mine, contaminating surrounding areas’ drinking water. This increased the potential for asbestos exposure for nearby residents and workers, putting them at risk for developing mesothelioma.

Fresno, California Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • Anderson Clayton Corporation
  • Aramark Uniform Services
  • Aratex-Red Star Industrial Service
  • Best Fertilizer
  • BlackRock Power Plant
  • Brix Building
  • California Associated Raisin Company
  • California State University, Fresno
  • California Wine Association
  • Community Regional Medical Center
  • Container Corporation of America (CCA)
  • Danish Creamery
  • E. & J. Gallo Winery
  • French’s
  • Fresno Brewing Company
  • Fresno City College
  • Fresno Community Hospital
  • Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center
  • Fresno County Public Library
  • Fresno County Superior Court
  • Fresno Distributing Company
  • Fresno Linen Supply Services & Rental Company
  • Fresno Medical Center
  • Fresno State Office Building
  • Glen Agnes Elderly Housing
  • Harris Construction Company, Inc.
  • Knudsen Creamery Company
  • Mid-Valley Engineering
  • Mont La Salle Altar Wines
  • Montgomery Ward Company
  • Pacific Bell Telephone Company
  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)
  • Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company
  • Plaskett Construction Company
  • Robert Harper Construction
  • Roma Wine Company
  • Rosenberg Brothers Packing Company
  • Russell-Vail Engineering Company
  • Saint Agnes Medical Center
  • Salvation Army Fresno
  • San Joaquin Estates
  • San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation
  • Sears, Roebuck & Company
  • Stokehouse
  • Sun-Maid Growers of California
  • Thrifty Drug
  • Valley Nitrogen Products Company
  • Valley Pipe & Supply, Inc.
  • Vie-Del Company
  • W.E. O’Neil Construction Company
  • Warrick Electric Company
  • Western Building Materials Company
  • Westlands Water District

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