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Mesothelioma in Anaheim, California

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Asbestos was used in construction throughout Anaheim, California. This included the prominent Disneyland Park. Anaheim construction and maintenance workers at the park may have developed an asbestos-related disease. Anaheim mesothelioma patients can find medical and legal resources below.

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01. Mesothelioma Treatment in Anaheim

Anaheim, California Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma patients in Anaheim can seek treatment at various cancer centers throughout California. Because mesothelioma is a rare cancer, it is important to find a mesothelioma specialist who has experience treating the disease. Depending on mesothelioma cell type, location and staging, different treatment options may be available for patients. An experienced mesothelioma cancer doctor will be able to discuss and recommend treatment options, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation and surgery. Specialists can also help their patients locate and enroll in local or national mesothelioma clinical trials.

Cancer Centers for Mesothelioma Serving Anaheim, California

Mesothelioma patients in Anaheim have access to several nearby cancer centers that offer chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation and surgical oncology services. In neighboring Los Angeles, patients can find renowned mesothelioma experts at UCLA Medical Center. Veterans with mesothelioma also have the option of seeking expert care at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center.

St. Joseph Hospital of Orange

St. Joseph Hospital of Orange

Orange, CA 92868

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Irvine

Orange, CA 92868

City of Hope

City of Hope

Duarte, CA 91010

University of Southern California (USC)

University of Southern California (USC)

Los Angeles, CA 90033

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Los Angeles, CA 90048

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center

Los Angeles, CA 90095

Sanford Burnham Prebys

Sanford Burnham Prebys

La Jolla, CA 92037

University of California San Diego (UCSD) Health

University of California San Diego (UCSD) Health

La Jolla, CA 92093

Salk Institute

Salk Institute

La Jolla, CA 92037

02. Mesothelioma Doctors in Anaheim

Anaheim, California Mesothelioma Doctors

Each case of mesothelioma is unique, and a treatment plan will depend on a wide range of factors. Mesothelioma doctors will create a personalized plan for each patient to try to optimize treatment options. The plan is developed with the goal of extending survival and improving quality of life. Mesothelioma is rare compared to many other types of cancer, so it is very important to find a specialist who has experience treating mesothelioma specifically.

Photo of Ravi Salgia, M.D.

Ravi Salgia, M.D.

Medical Oncologist and Associate Director for Clinical Sciences
Duarte, CA

Photo of Howard Jack West, M.D.

Howard Jack West, M.D.

Medical Oncologist
Duarte, CA

Photo of Jyoti Malhotra, M.D.

Jyoti Malhotra, M.D.

Medical Oncologist
Irvine, CA

Photo of Michael Yuechia Chang, M.D.

Michael Yuechia Chang, M.D.

Thoracic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA

Photo of Joel M. Baumgartner, M.D.

Joel M. Baumgartner, M.D.

Surgical Oncologist
San Diego, CA

Photo of Jula Veerapong, M.D.

Jula Veerapong, M.D.

Surgical Oncologist
San Diego, CA

03. Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Anaheim

Anaheim, California Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma victims who live in Anaheim or worked with asbestos there may be able to file a mesothelioma case in California. There may also be other jurisdictions available in which to file a mesothelioma lawsuit depending on how and where the victim was exposed to asbestos. Experienced national mesothelioma law firms can handle cases both in California and in other favorable jurisdictions.

Finding a Lawyer or Law Firm in Anaheim, California

Anaheim asbestos victims who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma should speak to an attorney with experience handling mesothelioma cases in California. They will be familiar with defendants, jobsites and asbestos trusts common to Anaheim. An experienced asbestos attorney will investigate all avenues to maximize compensation. This may involve both filing a mesothelioma lawsuit and/or submitting bankruptcy trust claims.

The following firms have served asbestos exposure clients throughout the state of California:

Fighting to get mesothelioma victims the compensation they deserve. Recognized by Super Lawyers® and National Trial Lawyers.

Over 16 years of experience serving asbestos injury victims. The Gori Law Firm is recognized by Super Lawyers®, National Trial Lawyers and the American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA).

Over a decade of experience fighting hard for mesothelioma victims in California and across the country. Millions of dollars recovered for clients through passionate work in asbestos litigation.

Deadlines for Filing Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Anaheim, California

Individuals who pursue an asbestos lawsuit or claim must file within a legal deadline. These time frames are defined by a state’s statutes of limitations. Time frames may be different for personal injury or wrongful death claims. The statutes of limitations also vary by state.

Statutes of Limitations for Anaheim

Personal Injury

Claims must be filed within 1 year after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

Wrongful Death

Claims must be filed within 1 year after an asbestos-related death.

Many Anaheim residents with asbestos-related diseases have filed successful claims and cases. A successful lawsuit may result in a jury award or settlement. Compensation from a mesothelioma settlement may help patients and their families pay for treatment, travel expenses and lost wages.

Examples of clients served in the Anaheim area include:

Client Profile

Age: 75

Occupation: Welder

Jobsites Worked at: General Motors (1955)

Settlement: ~$2,766,734

Client Profile

Age: 84

Occupations: Inspector, Engineer

Jobsites Worked at: Disneyland; Fluor Corporation (1961 – 1979)

Settlement: ~$1,490,268

Client Profile

Age: 79

Occupations: Shipyard, Marine

Jobsites Worked at: Manufacturing Research Associates (1970 – 1979)

Settlement: ~$1,117,819

Client Profile

Age: 83

Occupation: Household

Jobsites Worked at: Elco Sheet Metal Inc. (1974 – 1975)

Settlement: ~$847,489

04. Asbestos Use in Anaheim

Asbestos Use in Anaheim, California

Anaheim, California, residents and workers may have been exposed to asbestos on the job. The mineral was commonly used in many industries, including manufacturing and construction.

Anaheim is home to the world-famous Disneyland. It is Orange County’s largest employer. Construction at Disneyland began in the 1950s when asbestos was commonly used in building materials. Some of the park’s additions and renovations through the 1970s also utilized asbestos-containing products. Many park employees and outside contractors who worked at the park during those years could have been exposed to asbestos.

Anaheim was also home to General Motors’ Delco Remy plant. This plant manufactured and supplied batteries to three California General Motors assembly plants in Fremont, Van Nuys and South Gate. The plant operated from 1954 to 1994 and is known to have contained asbestos. The plant is now an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund site and is listed as a jobsite match for multiple asbestos trusts.

Asbestos at Disneyland in Anaheim, California

Construction at Disneyland began in 1954 when asbestos was still commonly used in building materials and power generation equipment. Construction workers and tradesmen who built and maintained the park’s hotel, structures and equipment could have been exposed to a variety of asbestos-containing products, including insulation.

The park’s central heating and cooling plant is also known to have contained asbestos. Maintenance on heating and cooling components could have exposed various tradesmen to asbestos. There are at least five asbestos trusts that list various areas of Disneyland as a jobsite known to have exposed workers to asbestos depending on the timing and nature of their work.

Anaheim, California Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • Aerojet General Corporation
  • Anaheim Citrus Products Co.
  • Anaheim Plumbing
  • Anaheim Sugar Company
  • Armstrong International
  • Autonetics
  • Blaw-Knox Construction Equipment Corp.
  • Bob Leaverton Plumbing
  • California Chemicals Colors Corp.
  • California Juice Company
  • Central Energy Plant for Disneyland Hotel
  • Crystal Chemical Company, Inc.
  • Delco Remy, a division of General Motors (GM)
  • Disneyland Park
  • General Electric Company (GE)
  • Glidden-Durkee, a division of SCM Corporation
  • L. W. Lefort Company, Inc.
  • Laura Scudders
  • Melrose Abbey Memorial Park & Mortuary
  • Mutual Citrus Products Company
  • North American Rockwell
  • Orange County Linens
  • Orange County Steel Salvage Inc.
  • Pennwalt Corporation
  • Rheem Manufacturing Company
  • Richfield Oil Corporation
  • Rietz Manufacturing Company
  • Royal Coach Inn
  • Southern Pacific Railroad
  • Stepan Company
  • Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company
  • U.S. Electrical Motors, Inc.
  • U.S. Industrial Chemicals Co.
  • Union Oil Company of California

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