01. Asbestos-Containing Materials
What Are Asbestos-Containing Materials?
Asbestos-containing materials are products that were made with the mineral. Often, these products needed to withstand chemicals, heat and fire. Asbestos equips products to withstand these stresses and makes them more durable and flexible.
During the 20th century, many industries used asbestos. In the United States, asbestos use peaked in 1973. More than 3,000 products once had asbestos. Common types of asbestos materials include:
- Automotive brakes and linings
- Ceiling tiles
- Floor tiles
- Insulation
- Roofing shingles
- Spray coatings
- Talcum powder
These products were commonly made with different types of asbestos.
Workers, consumers and the general public face exposure risks from many asbestos products. Common types of asbestos exposure are occupational exposure, household exposure and secondary exposure.
Do Products Still Contain Asbestos?
Many countries have banned asbestos use. In March 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a rule ending the use of chrysotile asbestos. Chrysotile asbestos is the most commonly used type of the mineral.
Until the new EPA rule, the United States, allowed some new products to contain asbestos in small amounts. For example, insulation materials may contain up to 1% asbestos. This is still true for non-chrysotile asbestos types.
Older asbestos-containing products may also still be in use. Examples include asbestos construction materials in buildings or asbestos gaskets in machinery. These past uses of asbestos continue to pose health risks. The 2024 ban does not apply to these existing asbestos-containing products.
Listed below are common asbestos products. Find information about their locations, uses and who is at risk of exposure.
02. Building Products
Asbestos-Containing Building Products
Asbestos was often used in building products before the 1980s in the United States. Asbestos building materials put construction workers, demolition workers and homeowners at risk of asbestos exposure.
Asbestos Adhesives
From the early 1900s to the 1980s, adhesives, bindings and sealers often contained asbestos. These products included mastic, putty, caulk and construction tape. The mineral added durability and heat resistance, which made asbestos adhesives popular. Thousands of older homes and buildings still have asbestos adhesives in them today.
Asbestos Cement (Transite)
Asbestos cement, or transite, is a mixture of cement and asbestos fibers. It was used to form a variety of products, like cement pipes, roofing sheets, water tanks and flues. Asbestos cement was strong, durable and could withstand corrosion for a long time. But workers at asbestos cement manufacturers face high risks of developing mesothelioma. Today, people may experience exposure from damaged and deteriorating asbestos cement products.
Asbestos Felt
From the early 1900s to the early 1990s, asbestos felt was used in roofing, flooring and paper mills. In construction, asbestos felt provided a protective layer under flooring or roofing. At paper mills, asbestos felt helped dry paper pulp. Papermill workers, construction workers and homeowners may have been exposed to asbestos felt. Today, felt underlayments with asbestos may still be present in older homes and buildings.
Asbestos Pipes
From the 1920s to the 1980s, pipes were often made with asbestos. Manufacturers added asbestos to the steel or cement used to make pipes. In other cases, pipes were covered with asbestos-containing plumbing materials. Asbestos insulation, coverings and coatings were common. These asbestos pipes have led to occupational and residential asbestos exposure risks.
Asbestos Plaster
Plaster materials were often made with asbestos from the 1920s to the 1970s. Asbestos plaster was usually applied to walls and ceilings. Asbestos was added to the wet plaster to make it more fire-resistant and durable. Asbestos plaster was used in homes, schools, churches and other buildings. It exposed many people to asbestos, leading to mesothelioma and other asbestos cancers.
Asbestos Plastics
Asbestos was commonly added to molded plastic parts to increase durability, affordability and heat and chemical resistance. Asbestos plastic materials have been used in a wide variety of industries, including construction, aerospace engineering, industrial manufacturing and consumer goods. Anyone who manufactured or used these parts may have been exposed to asbestos.
Asbestos Sheets
Asbestos has been used in cement sheets since the early 1900s. Cement sheets are easier to handle than poured cement. Also, adding asbestos increases the durability and temperature resistance. These properties made the sheets popular for use in construction. Homeowners and people working in construction or building renovations may still come into contact with asbestos cement sheets in older homes.
Asbestos Tiles
Asbestos was used in several types of tiles, primarily for floors and ceilings. The mineral provided durability, strength and heat resistance. From the 1920s to the 1980s, various floor and ceiling tiles were manufactured with asbestos. Some homes may still contain old asbestos tiles, posing a risk during renovations or from wear and tear as they age.
Bakelite Products
Bakelite is a moldable plastic invented in 1907. It was most widely used until World War II in consumer products from home appliances to jewelry. Bakelite was also used in military airplane propellers and particleboard. It’s still found in game pieces and vintage collectibles. Bakelite was made with asbestos, which poses exposure risks to collectors.
Construction Materials
Many construction materials, like roofing and siding, were made with asbestos. The mineral enhanced durability and resistance to weathering, chemical erosion and fire. Asbestos construction materials pose health hazards when damaged or disturbed. Remodeling, renovating or demolishing old buildings and homes may release asbestos fibers into the air. This may lead to asbestos exposure for anyone in the area.
Drywall and Finishing Products
For many years, drywall materials contained asbestos for added durability and heat protection. Materials used to install wallboard included joint compound (or drywall mud), which is used for connecting boards and patching walls. Drywall asbestos products were popular for use throughout homes, buildings and schools. Today, drywall materials are not made with asbestos. But many people still face exposure and related health problems from older drywall materials.
Ductwork Connectors
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems use ductwork to move air throughout a space. From the 1920s to the 1980s, many HVAC components contained asbestos. These components included ductwork connectors, tapes and sealants. The mineral provided durability and temperature insulation. Asbestos is no longer used in most of these parts today, but asbestos components may still be present in older HVAC systems.
Several industries used asbestos gaskets, including construction, boilermaking, shipbuilding and manufacturing. These gaskets helped create a tight seal between pipes, valves and other parts. Asbestos was incorporated into gaskets for durability against heat and chemicals. Asbestos-containing gaskets were manufactured in the United States until the 1980s. But some may still be present in older vehicles and machinery.
Companies once used asbestos in different insulating materials. Products like loose-fill insulation in walls, spray-on insulation and block insulation contained asbestos. With the 2024 EPA ruling, stricter regulations mean that chrysotile asbestos cannot be used in new insulation. Before the EPA took action, insulation could still contain up to 1% of that asbestos type. Homes, schools and other buildings may also have older asbestos insulation, which may contain higher amounts of asbestos.
Popcorn Ceiling Products
Popcorn ceilings and other spray-on ceiling products may have contained asbestos. This type of ceiling texture was common from 1945 to the early 1990s. Construction workers and homeowners may face asbestos exposure as these products age or degrade. Disturbing asbestos popcorn ceilings can also lead to exposure. For example, renovation and removal may release asbestos fibers.
Asbestos was used in vinyl products to enhance their durability and heat resistance. The mineral was most often used in products like vinyl floor tiles, sheet flooring and wallpaper. Asbestos was also frequently added to the adhesives and backings of these products. As a result, scoring, tearing or removing vinyl products can release asbestos fibers. Asbestos is no longer used in today’s vinyl products. But it may still be present in older homes and buildings.
Zonolite Insulation
Zonolite was a widely used brand of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite insulation. Its most common use was to insulate attics. Construction workers and homeowners may have been exposed to asbestos in Zonolite insulation. The material is no longer produced today. Still, people may come into contact with it in older homes and buildings.
03. Consumer Products
Asbestos-Containing Consumer Products
Many consumer products manufactured in the 1900s pose asbestos exposure concerns. Some materials today may still contain the mineral. Contaminated consumer goods include slow cookers, paint and other popular items. These products put the population at risk of developing asbestos-related diseases.
Cigarette Filters
From 1952 to 1956, Lorillard Tobacco Company made Kent Micronite cigarettes with asbestos filters. The company thought it would filter out smoke irritants, providing a smoother smoking experience. Consumers who smoked these Kent Micronite cigarettes may have inhaled asbestos fibers.
04. Fire-Resistant Products
Asbestos-Containing Fireproofing and Fire-Resistant Products
Being naturally fire resistant, asbestos was popular for various fireproofing materials and products. Asbestos-containing fireproof products include asbestos cloth, fire blocks and fire safety gear. These materials put firefighters, construction workers and other people at risk of exposure. The EPA’s 2024 ruling on chrysotile asbestos affects the manufacture and import of these products.
Asbestos in Laboratory Equipment
Many companies made laboratory equipment with asbestos. Lab work often involves high temperatures and corrosive elements. On top of asbestos’s fire resistance, its durability made it a popular component of fume hoods, heat mats and other types of lab equipment.
Asbestos Textiles
Asbestos was often woven into textiles for fire-resistant clothing and blankets. Fibrous chrysotile asbestos was easy to weave into these protective fabrics. Firefighters, first responders and industrial workers often used fire-resistant garments like asbestos gloves. By 1990, asbestos textile manufacturing stopped. But these products may still be present in older homes, buildings and jobsites.
05. Personal Care Products
Asbestos-Containing Personal Care Products
Personal hygiene products and makeup may contain asbestos-contaminated talc. The two mineral deposits often develop near each other, leading to asbestos contamination in the talc. Miners risk asbestos exposure while mining talc. Anyone may be exposed while manufacturing, selling or using these asbestos-contaminated talc products. Exposure to these products may cause mesothelioma or another related disease.
Many cosmetic products contain talcum powder to help them feel smooth and absorb moisture. But talc is often contaminated with asbestos. As a result, powder-based products like eye shadows and blushes may contain asbestos. Recent news has raised concerns about the presence of asbestos in children’s makeup. Stores like Claire’s© and Justice® have recalled several contaminated products.
Talcum Powder
Talc deposits are often found alongside asbestos deposits. This has led to asbestos-contaminated talc in many consumer products. For example, testing shows asbestos in some talc-based baby powders and talc-based cosmetics. Thousands of consumers have filed lawsuits against manufacturers for contaminated talcum powder products.
06. Transportation & Automotive Parts
Asbestos-Containing Transportation and Automotive Products
For decades, the transportation and automotive industry has used asbestos in its products. Common asbestos automotive materials include brake pads, brake shoes and brake linings. The mineral enhances friction in braking components and helps them withstand high temperatures. This helped keep equipment and operators safe from fires. But this led to asbestos exposure risks for consumers and hundreds of thousands of employees in this industry.
Once considered a miracle mineral, research has instead proven asbestos is dangerous. Millions of people have been exposed to asbestos through these products. They are at risk of developing asbestos-related diseases, like malignant mesothelioma or lung cancer. Recognizing known asbestos products and understanding the risks may help avoid exposure. While the EPA’s 2024 ruling is a step in the right direction, only a full asbestos ban could truly protect the public.
07. Common Questions
Common Questions About Asbestos Products and Materials
What products contain asbestos?
Many products contain asbestos. From the 1930s through the 1970s, more than 3,000 products included asbestos. Even though the EPA banned chrysotile asbestos in 2024, some older products may still be in use. These include:
- Automotive parts
- Construction materials
- Consumer goods
- Fireproof materials
Is asbestos-containing material harmful?
Asbestos-containing products may pose a risk if they become damaged or worn. In this state, the products can release asbestos fibers in the air. A person who breathes in the fibers may develop an asbestos-related disease. Asbestos exposure may cause mesothelioma, lung cancer and other diseases.