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Railroad Workers Exposed to Asbestos

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Railroad workers face an elevated risk of asbestos exposure. Engines and other machinery contained insulation, cement and other asbestos products. Workers who installed, repaired and worked near these products may develop mesothelioma. Patients and families may have legal options.

01. Asbestos Risk

How Are Railroad Workers Exposed to Asbestos?

For decades, railroad companies exposed workers to asbestos. The mineral was used in railroad products from at least the 1930s until the 1980s. Asbestos was especially common during the era of steam trains through the 1950s.

Companies used asbestos in many applications where heat and friction resistance were needed. As asbestos-containing materials become worn or damaged, they can release harmful fibers. Even handling intact asbestos materials poses these exposure risks.

Facts About Railroad Workers

  • 83,000 railroad workers in the United States (2023)
  • Asbestos Exposure: Previous and ongoing exposure risk
  • Asbestos-Related Disease Risk: Moderate
  • Similar Occupations: Machine operators, mechanics, shipyard workers

Asbestos was used in many products found in rail houses, railcars, repair shops and more. As a result, various workers were at risk of asbestos exposure. This includes those who laid down tracks, repaired equipment and operated locomotives.

Although asbestos use in the railroad industry stopped in the 1980s, old products can still pose an exposure risk. As the products age and deteriorate, asbestos fibers may become airborne. Inhaling or ingesting these fibers is harmful. It can cause mesothelioma and other asbestos cancers.

These factors combined make railroad workers an at-risk asbestos occupation.

What Asbestos Products Put Railroad Workers at Risk?

The railroad industry used many asbestos products, putting workers at risk of exposure. Asbestos insulation was particularly common in the railroad industry. It was used in boilers, electrical panels, engine rooms and other components facing high temperatures.

Railroad workers may have been exposed to asbestos from:

The asbestos companies and railroad companies that made or used these products put railroad workers at risk. Manufacturers that supplied asbestos products to railroad companies include:

Some companies were aware of the products’ dangers and continued to use them anyway.

Railroad Companies That Used Asbestos

  • Amtrak
  • Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
  • Birmingham Southern Railroad Company
  • BNSF Railway (formerly Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad)
  • Burlington Northern Railroad
  • Carolina & Western Railway Company
  • Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company
  • Chicago and Northwestern Railroad
  • Conrail (formally Consolidated Rail Corporation)
  • CSX Transportation
  • DL&W Railroad Company
  • Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad Company
  • Erie Lackawanna Railroad
  • General American Transportation Corporation
  • General Electric Transportation Systems
  • Iowa Interstate Railroad Ltd.
  • Kansas City Southern Railway Company
  • Long Island Rail Road
  • Metro-North Railroad
  • National Railroad Passenger Corporation
  • Pennsylvania Railroad
  • Railroad Friction Products Corporation
  • San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company
  • Seminole Gulf Railway
  • Southern Pacific Railroad
  • Transtar
  • Union Pacific Railroad Company

Common Places Railroad Workers May Find Asbestos

All train types may have contained asbestos, including freight and passenger trains. It was also used throughout rail yards, rail shops and other areas in the railroad industry.

Asbestos materials were most common in areas facing high temperatures, friction or heavy use in the railroad industry. Locations in the workplace that exposed railroad employees include:

  • Blacksmith shops
  • Boiler rooms
  • Boxcars
  • Cabooses
  • Engine rooms
  • Freight car shops
  • Frog shops
  • Locomotive shop fan houses
  • Passenger car and wheel shops
  • Passenger cars
  • Train carriages

Asbestos was particularly common in steam engines. Boilers are the main component of steam engines. Fuel powered the boiler to heat water and convert it into steam. As a result, the boiler reached extreme temperatures. Asbestos insulation in the boiler room helped equipment withstand this heat and prevent fires.

The boiler room and other parts of the train could have poor ventilation. Less ventilation allows for higher concentrations of asbestos fibers. This could pose a greater risk of exposure for those in the area. However, no amount of asbestos exposure is safe.

Railroad Workers and At-Risk Trades

Other than railroad workers, related jobs in construction and transportation industries also have histories of asbestos exposure. Many used the same kinds of products and may have been exposed on the job.

Similar at-risk occupations include:

Several other trades were also at risk of exposure from the railroad industry. For example, passenger trains may have exposed servers, cooks, baggage handlers and crew members. Those who worked in railroad shops, repair shops and rail yards also may have been exposed.

Families of railroad workers may also have been exposed. When a worker brings home asbestos on their clothing, it can result in secondary asbestos exposure.

02. Mesothelioma Risk

Mesothelioma Risk for Railroad Workers

Railroad workers exposed to asbestos face health risks. These include mesothelioma cancer, lung cancer, asbestosis and other asbestos cancers. In a 2015 Belgian study, researchers found railroad workers face a higher mesothelioma death risk than average.

Before the 1960s, locomotives were primarily powered by steam rather than diesel. Asbestos was common with steam-powered equipment. So older railroad workers may have been at significant risk of occupational exposure.

Study Highlight: Higher Risk of Mesothelioma Among Railroad Workers

In one study, researchers analyzed past occupational asbestos exposure. They surveyed 514 active U.S. railroad workers. Of workers 50+ years old, 21% had likely asbestos exposure. Of workers 49 years old and younger, about 3% had likely asbestos exposure. This means older railway workers may have a higher risk of mesothelioma.

03. Compensation

Compensation for Railroad Workers With Occupational Asbestos Exposure

Railroad workers and their families may be eligible for compensation after an asbestos illness-related diagnosis or death. Compensation can help with treatment costs, loss of income and more.

For instance, railroad workers may seek compensation through the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). These are civil action lawsuits against the employer for negligence. FELA takes the place of a typical workers’ compensation program.

Claimants must have a negligence-related injury. This includes a mesothelioma diagnosis after wrongful asbestos exposure.

Many claimants have filed successful lawsuits under FELA and were awarded compensation.

Railroad Worker’s Widow Awarded $7.4 Million Under FELA Claim

In 2006, the widow of a railway worker won a verdict of $7.4 million against CSX Transportation. The man worked for the company from 1962 to 1999. During this time, he frequently worked with asbestos materials. He claimed the company neglected to inform him of the dangers of exposure. He was later diagnosed with mesothelioma and passed away.

FELA does not apply to all railroad companies. To qualify, companies must operate in multiple states. If FELA doesn’t apply, victims may choose to pursue another route. This may include a lawsuit against the asbestos manufacturer or other mesothelioma claims.

An asbestos attorney can help victims determine their eligibility for compensation options.