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Western Electric

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Jennifer Lucarelli Lawyer and Legal Advisor

Western Electric has made telecommunications equipment since 1869. For decades, many of its products contained asbestos — especially its wire coverings. Asbestos exposure can lead to mesothelioma and other diseases. Learn how specialized lawyers can help asbestos victims seek compensation.

01. History of Asbestos Use

Western Electric History of Asbestos Use

Enos Barton and Elisha Gray established Western Electric in 1869. They aimed to manufacture electrical equipment for the new electrical age. They worked with major companies like Western Union and Morse Telegraph Instruments. In 1901, Western Electric became the exclusive supplier for AT&T.

Quick Facts
  • Years in Operation: 1869 – Present
  • Production: Electricity and communications manufacturing
  • Asbestos Trust: No

In the early 20th century, the company engineered new sound technology. It innovated equipment for radio, television and film/sound recording and reproduction. The company formed a motion picture division, Westrex Corporation. It won 36 Oscars, showing how popular the company and its products had become.

Western Electric used asbestos in many of its products. One of the most common uses was in wire coverings. Asbestos has a natural resistance to heat, fire and electricity. Although it was said to protect workers, it posed serious dangers.

AT&T shed the Western Electric name in 1984, then spun off into smaller companies.

Lucent Technologies inherited communications equipment in 1996. It merged with Alcatel in 2006 to become Lucent-Alcatel. In 2016, Lucent-Alcatel transferred all Western Electric intellectual property to Westrex Corporation. Western Electric now manufactures sound technology under its original name.

02. Asbestos Products

Western Electric Asbestos Products

Asbestos appeared in many Western Electric products. The mineral is strong, flexible and resistant to heat, fire and electricity. Some of its products contained up to 40% chrysotile asbestos.

Some asbestos-containing products Western Electric used or manufactured include:

  • Alternating current motors with solenoid brakes
  • Asbestos tape
  • Fuse holders
  • Gaskets for light fixtures
  • Heater cords that had asbestos insulation
  • Resistance units
  • Resistors made with asbestos sheets
  • Switchboard panels
  • Tubing used on grid rheostats, resistance boxes and more
  • Washers used in the Bell telephone system
  • Wire coverings that faced heat and/or fire risks

Western Electric discontinued asbestos use in 1974 with the advent of national regulations. However, they had been using asbestos since at least 1919. In total, the company put asbestos products on the market for 55 years or more.

Western Electric Products Containing Asbestos

Products with asbestos insulation:

  • Deltabeston fixture wires
  • Deltabeston heater wires
  • Deltabeston magnet wires
  • Deltabeston moving picture machine wires
  • Deltabeston stove wires
  • Deltabeston switchboard wires

Miscellaneous products:

  • Champion Maxwell spark plugs
  • D&W railway cut-outs (that were housed in asbestos-lined cases)
  • Fibra-Flo 7C asbestos-containing filters (made by Johns-Manville)
  • Type BF Matthews Fuswitch (made with asbestos boards)
03. Occupational Exposure

Western Electric and Occupational Exposure

Asbestos insulation was a key component in Western Electric’s wiring products. Workers faced occupational asbestos exposure risks from them. Their families also faced the possibility of secondary asbestos exposure. This occurs if an asbestos worker unknowingly brings traces of asbestos home, posing exposure risks for others.

Consumers and maintenance workers also risked asbestos exposure through typical product use and repair. Old asbestos products made by this company still pose a risk to people today. Western Electric’s old wiring products may have deteriorated. Handling them runs the risk of inhaling asbestos fibers, which can later lead to mesothelioma.

Occupations Impacted by Western Electric’s Asbestos Use

04. Asbestos Lawsuits

Asbestos Lawsuits Against Western Electric

Western Electric has faced asbestos lawsuits for its past use. If successful, these lawsuits can result in compensation through settlements or verdicts.

Many victims may have experienced exposure years ago from Western Electric’s products. Asbestos diseases, like mesothelioma, can take decades to develop. At the time, many people may not have known they were exposed to asbestos.

Even if asbestos exposure occurred many years ago, victims still have rights. Mesothelioma lawyers can review each case and explain which legal options are available. They can help gather evidence and information to file mesothelioma claims or lawsuits.

Experienced mesothelioma law firms can guide clients throughout the full legal process. If you suspect you were exposed to asbestos from Western Electric and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please reach out. We can help.