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Jennifer Lucarelli Lawyer and Legal Advisor supports mesothelioma research and advocacy aimed to ban asbestos. We are proud to contribute to organizations looking to cure this rare disease. We also support those raising awareness about mesothelioma and the dangers of asbestos. It is important to us to give back to the community.

01. Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation

Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation

The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation, formerly known as MARF, is a national non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for the fatal asbestos disease known as mesothelioma. The primary work of this organization is to provide funding for mesothelioma research and to help mesothelioma patients gain access to the nation’s top mesothelioma doctors and educate them on the most recent mesothelioma treatment options available. They also provide a strong advocacy presence in Washington D.C. to lobby for continued federal funding for mesothelioma research.

The foundation also provides a wealth of information to mesothelioma victims and their families including information about the disease, asbestos and the latest clinical trials being conducted through the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Health. Mesothelioma treatment information, which is of primary importance to those diagnosed with the disease, is also made available through the foundation as are “stories of hope” from survivors. And perhaps the most important thing of all provided by the foundation is the unyielding commitment to continuing to believe in a cure for mesothelioma and the hope that it brings to the entire mesothelioma community.

02. International Mesothelioma Program

International Mesothelioma Program

The International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) is a joint initiative of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and Harvard University School of Medicine. The IMP is at the forefront of all leading mesothelioma treatment research and practice. Combining a holistic treatment and support program, the IMP has made tremendous strides in surgical treatment for early-stage mesothelioma diagnosis, as well as in aggressive chemotherapy treatments for later-stage disease.

03. National Cancer Institute

National Cancer Institute

The National Cancer Institute is part of the National Institute of Health, one of 11 agencies currently operating under the umbrella of the Department of Health and Human Services. In addition to research conducted in its own clinics and laboratories, the NCI supports and coordinates research projects through cancer centers, hospitals, and universities, while also being the primary federal entity responsible for disseminating information about cancer. Mesothelioma research is among the many projects and initiatives being conducted by the institute.

04. Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization

Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO)

ADAO (Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization) is an independent organization dedicated to raising awareness

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization was established in 2004. It was founded as an independent organization by asbestos victims and their families with the primary mission of helping to raise public awareness about the dangers of asbestos and preventing asbestos disease through education and legislative action. The organization seeks to be a “Voice of the Victims”, to educate the public about the hazards of asbestos exposure, to promote unity among asbestos disease victims and to support ongoing research.

The organization has been very active since its inception and boasts an impressive list of accomplishments in the areas of education, advocacy, and community including:

  • Organizing Asbestos Awareness Conferences in several states
  • Publishing monthly newsletters
  • Creating an asbestos video library
  • Developing an Asbestos Fact Sheet
  • Attending White House Meetings
  • Testifying before OSHA and the California State Assembly’s Natural Resources Committee
  • Building a Social Media Network through Facebook, Twitter and Blogs
  • Launching a Global Ban Asbestos Network website
05. American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide network of community-based, voluntary health organizations committed to the research and defeat of cancer. While the ACS is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and offers services through 9 regional chapters, the organization works in concert with international health organizations to carry out strategic initiatives across the globe. The ACS cooperates with and encourages coordination among cancer specialists and doctors throughout the country in the fight against malignant mesothelioma. They also support research to learn more about the causes of the disease.

06. LUNGevity Foundation

LUNGevity Foundation

LUNGevity is primarily a lung cancer advocacy and awareness initiative with a singular stated goal to “Stop Lung Cancer Now.” LUNGevity understands that advancements in lung cancer research and investment into lung cancer initiatives is a national priority and may have ramifications for the advancement of similar mesothelioma projects. Many drugs researched for use among lung cancer patients have been successfully applied to the treatment of malignant mesothelioma and other carcinomas. LUNGevity also provides mesothelioma and non-squamous small cell lung cancer community support forums.

07. Cancer Hope Network

Cancer Hope Network

The Cancer Hope Network is a community of support resources for cancer patients and their families. Among the support resources offered are one-on-one interactions with former cancer patients who can empathize with patient struggles and answer difficult questions both for patients and their families. The Cancer Hope Network has flourished through Internet interaction and now features a full-scale social network, “HopeNet.”

08. Miles for Meso

Miles for Meso

Miles for Meso supports mesothelioma awareness and research through 5K races and fun runs/walks . These events take place throughout the country and proceeds are donated to the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation. The generosity of both participants and sponsors has helped raise awareness about the dangers of asbestos and unite communities in the fight against mesothelioma.

09. National Organization for Rare Disorders

National Organization for Rare Disorders

The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It aims to improve the health and quality of life of people with rare diseases. Their work supports research and advocates for policies to better the lives of Americans with mesothelioma and other conditions.

NORD offers a number of different ways to give back. Advocates can join events like Rare Disease Day and join their policy task force. NORD also allows for many methods of donation, including employer matching gifts, stock donations and qualified charitable distributions (QCD) from retirement funds. supports mesothelioma research and advocacy aimed to ban asbestos. We are proud to contribute to organizations looking to cure this rare disease. We also support those raising awareness about mesothelioma and the dangers of asbestos. It is important to us to give back to the community.